Monday, August 15, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog, Quilting Liberally! Like many people, I have a pretty stressful day job. As a legislative analyst I spend my days reading tax policy and taking in as much news as possible. Needless to say, a life in politics does not lend itself to tranquility. So in my evenings and weekends I've been searching for a hobby that can introduce a bit of balance into my life.

I began quilting haphazardly, but have found it to be a wonderful outlet. Unfortunately, it seems as though it is a dying art. Not too many people in their 20s and 30s have taken up this remarkable pastime. I consider myself exceedingly lucky to have stumbled upon a small network of artists and friends, women who are passionate about quilting and helping others learn their craft.

I hope that these posts will show that it is not impossible to learn to quilt, even if you're starting up on your own. Quilting can be fun and modern. It certainly teaches patience. And besides, haven't you been waiting on pins and needles to use your high school geometry? (I swear, that's the only time I'll make that pun.)

Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you'll come back soon!